It is with great satisfaction and gratitude to our D’s that we announce the official launch of The Reitich Foundation (hereafter “the Foundation”), which took place last May 19 during the Iom Haatzmaut event of the Jewish Community of Chile. Of special significance is the fact that the launch coincided with the 76th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel, a period full of creativity, achievements and light for the world.

During the ceremony, the foundation’s first projects were presented:

  • Donation of an ambulance to Hatzalah Chile for use in rescue and medical emergency activities.
  • Delivery and setup of fully equipped medical emergency posts in different institutions of the community, including the Estadio Israelita sports and recreation center, the two Jewish schools of Santiago and the main synagogues.
  • Donation of a state-of-the-art pneumatic tank to the Israel Fire Station.

The Foundation is a project born from the vision and efforts of Chilean-American entrepreneur Philippe Reitich Baron. Although the Foundation wasn’t legally incorporated until 2024, Mr Baron began working towards its materialization back in 2021.

So, starting with different initiatives and the collaboration of advisors, professionals and volunteers, Mr Baron managed and executed the following projects, among many others:

  1. Donation in 2021 of an ambulance to Hatzalah Chile (in addition to the one recently donated by the Foundation).
  2. Donation of mobile communication equipment and an inter-connection system to various institutions of the community, with coverage in the entire Metropolitan Region.
  3. Implementation of different projects aimed at increasing the security standards of community institutions.
  4. Management of collaboration agreements with different Fire Brigades.
  5. Donation of or help for the purchase of various items necessary for the activities of Hatzalah Chile (including bulletproof vests, first aid kits, helmets, external defibrillator and evacuation chair, and radio equipment for vehicles).
  6. Production and delivery of identification badges for members of Hatzalah Chile.
  7. Provision of security and medical rescue training to members of community institutions.

The purpose of the Foundation is to contribute, with the help of our D’s, to securing the development of the Jewish community and its institutions in Chile through the preventive maintenance of security conditions that guarantee the successful completion of their activities as well as the full development of their members, while preparing the different institutions to deal with emergency situations and respond properly and effectively to a crisis.

Our vision is to have a safe and fully functional Jewish community regardless of the social and political context of the country.

We take great pride in our achievements so far and are really excited about the future and the way the Foundation and our D’s will contribute through different initiatives to the betterment of our community life.

We invite you to visit us at and to join us in our mission.