Our History

The Reitich Foundation stems from the vision of Mr. Philippe Reitich Baron, a prominent entrepreneur in the technology and security sectors. Inspired by his desire to contribute to the well-being of the Jewish community in Chile and society at large, leveraging his professional expertise, around the year 2021 Mr. Reitich began developing and promoting projects in key areas such as security, rescue, health, medical emergencies, and technology, driven solely by his own initiative. The increasing relevance of these projects and the recognition of growing needs within the community and its institutions in these areas demonstrated the feasibility of establishing a more formal corporate structure to facilitate the execution of new projects, building upon the groundwork laid by Mr. Reitich. Thus, in 2024, the Reitich Foundation was legally established in Chile.


The purpose of the Reitich Foundation is to carry out, manage, develop, and promote philanthropic, charitable, and supportive activities to meet the needs of the Jewish community in Chile and its various institutions. The aim is to foster community development, promote religious practice, and encourage local growth. The primary focus is on areas such as security, rescue, health, medical emergencies, and technology, although the Foundation may encompass other relevant areas as determined by its Board of Directors.

Thus, the mission of the Reitich Foundation is to contribute to ensuring the development of the community and its institutions in Chile through the preventive maintenance of security conditions that allow for the effective functioning of their activities and the full development of their members. Additionally, the Reitich Foundation seeks to contribute to ensuring that institutions are prepared to face emergency situations and have the correct and adequate capacity to respond effectively in crisis situations.


The vision of the Reitich Foundation is that of a secure Jewish community that can function regardless of the country’s political and social context, supported by solid preventive measures, effective response capacity in emergency situations, and an active contribution to the overall community welfare. We embark on this vision with determination, commitment, and the conviction that, through collaborative work with other institutions and members, we can build a strong and secure future for the Jewish community in Chile. Furthermore, the Reitich Foundation may participate in or support projects assisting Israel or other Jewish communities in the diaspora.


The Reitich Foundation’s team is comprised of dedicated professionals who are passionate about the organization’s mission.

Sr. Jaime Philippe Reitich Baron
Founder and Director

Ari Wurmann
Honorary Director

Javier Auszenker
Executive Advisor

Ishai Libersohn
Rabbinical Director

Igal Schonberger
Legal Coordinator

Alan Ben-Dov
Marketing Director and Campaign Strategy

Nerina Barreto
Art and Design Coordinator

Steve Mura
Technology and Web Development Manager